What if the discomfort is growth?

I came across those words as I was mindlessly scrolling and it paused me…what if THIS discomfort is growth? As we are all faced with challenges that we couldn’t have imagined, I thought the constant pit in my stomach and racing thoughts that I can’t seem to silence most days was due to the fact that we’re in the midst of a Global pandemic. Or bigger, my rage, angst, sadness…over the racist systems that still make it a daily challenge to be Black in America. Maybe it was the complete shut-down of the industry that I love so deeply or the hard reality of incredibly difficult decisions that had to be made and conversations that followed, related to furloughing members of our teams.

I tried to shake the feeling. I went to the beach as often as I could. I spent time with people I love. I joined peaceful protests. I donated time and money. I poured myself into helping others to push their initiatives forward.

Then I had a conversation with a friend. He’s straight up and keeps it all the way 100. He asked me a question: “If you think about what you want to do with your talents, who you want to serve and the impact you know you can make – outside of your comfort zone – what would you be doing?” He implored me to consider that – and gave me an assignment to “Think about it for a couple weeks and get back to me!” LOL – so damn bossy, even when offering up guidance.

That conversation and his assignment awakened the energy that has been surrounding me for a while now.

So I built this website!

Stay tuned…


Normalize ‘better’